
Hello, it's the webmistress. I've been a fan of Harvester for over a decade now, and that passion
inspired me to make this website. It's a semi-faithful recreation of the original, with a little bit of polish and cleaning up.
This included fixing typos, accessibility changes, and more substantial edits which I've documented below.

Many links on the original website were either dead or led to websites with little modern-day relevance,
so any links where I couldn't provide the corresponding Wayback Machine page were either removed or replaced with links to more topical pages.
The screenshot page was also somewhat overhauled, replacing the crusty images with in-game screenshots I've personally taken.

One area of frustration for me on the original website was the Hints page.
The hints were very few, vague, and ended at Level 1 of the Lodge. The puzzle solutions page lacked the Lodge entirely!
I've rewritten these pages (keeping most of the original text), added the Lodge sections and more hints to
help out players trying to solve the more "esoteric" puzzles (like how to get into Dad's room...)

Harvester is an incredibly interesting look back into a time when games like Phantasmagoria,
Night Trap and Mortal Kombat shook players to their core (I mean, just read the Reviews!) Even today, some of the scenes in this game
might shock players by how utterly bizarre they are. It's that unreplicable weirdness that's made me love this game for so long,
and I'm very happy I could preserve a bit of this game's history.

That all being said, thank you for checking out this site,
and I hope you enjoy your stay in the cozy little town of Harvest.

(P.S., please feel free to submit any corrections / typos / general comments to my guestbook!)

© 2023 - 2025, Alexis Valentines Hellscellar